Food Technology: They turn honey & other superfoods into powder !!!


Powdered honey.

Innovation in processing " superfoods " has been applied recently at TEI. Thessaly, in the laboratory of Food and Biosystems Engineering by scientists of the Foundation in Larissa.

Aronia, bilberry, cranberry, sea ​​buckthorn, goji berry, and even honey are converted to powder by lyophilization without destroying the products' nutrients.

How does honey become powder?

Photo: Lyophilization machine

As Costas Petrotos, Associate Professor of the Department of Technologists - Agronomists at the TEI of Thessaly ( Central Greece Technological Institute for foods ).

 Explains to the news agency this is a high-tech method that removes the juices of the fruits in the cold, and thus neither the aromas nor the vitamins of the products are destroyed.

"Any other drying method would drop all the nutrients to 10%. With this method, the ingredients of the products are kept at 99% - 100%, "says Mr. Petrotos and adds:

" With this method, we can turn all fruits into powder.

However, because the method has a cost, it is wiser to use it in "superfoods" - superfoods with a high added value. "

The Technological education institute of Thessaly, the research for the conversion of " superfoods " into powder has reached the level of development of recipes in a unique laboratory. 

At the same time, the industry can use the possibility of production for consumption to manufacture food supplements, cosmetics, etc. 

Also, this method allows the possibility of storing large quantities of currently unavailable products in Greece.

Goji berry that they also made powder

How is a superfood made of powder?

The application begins with mashing the fruits and placing them in a particular device.

With high cooling that reaches -30 degrees Celsius, the product freezes, while later, through the evaporation of ice, the development is led to a new state where it can be turned into powder.

Is a complex process.

 According to Mr. Petrotos, which requires multiple stages and great specialization for superfoods to be turned into powder.

Powdered Aronia

It is pointed out that the scientific team of the Tech Institute of Thessaly, in the framework of research programs, has proceeded, among other things, to the production of Aronia wine. 

In contrast, independent research has been achieved for producing sea buckthorn oil.

From Wikipedia: 

Aronia is a genus of deciduous shrubs, the chokeberries, in the family Rosaceae native to eastern North America and most commonly found in wet woods and swamps.[2][3][4] The genus is usually considered to contain two[5] or three[4][6] species, one of which is naturalized in Europe.[7] A fourth form that has long been cultivated under Aronia[6] is now considered an intergeneric hybrid× Sorbaronia mitschurinii.

Chokeberries are cultivated as ornamental plants and as food products. The sour berries, or Aronia berries, can be eaten raw off the bush but are more frequently processed. They can be used to make wine, jam, syrup, juice, soft spreads, tea, salsa, extracts, beer, ice cream, gummies, and tinctures.[8] The name "chokeberry" comes from the astringency of the fruits, which creates the sensation of making one's mouth pucker.[8]

Chokeberries are often mistakenly called chokecherries, the common name for Prunus virginiana. Further adding to the ambiguity, a variety of Prunus virginiana is melanocarpa,[9] and readily confused with black chokeberry because it is commonly referred to as "black chokeberry" or "Aronia." Aronia berries and chokecherries contain polyphenolic compounds, such as anthocyanins, yet the two plants are only distantly related to the Rosaceae.

Aronia berries
Scientific classificatione
Medik. 1789, conserved name, not J. Mitch. 1769 nor Mitch. 1748
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